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OJIPA, Vol. 1, No. 1 - Ottawa Journal of International and Public Affairs - July 2023

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This is the first issue of the Ottawa Journal of International and Public Affairs (OJIPA).

OJIPA is a project that was born during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. A need was felt to enable young researchers, doctoral students, and academics in developing countries, but not exclusively, to publish internationally. Due to several factors, the journal could not be published before, and only now the first issue is out! Originally the plan was to have it in both official languages of Canada (English and French), then we changed the strategy to have separate issues for English and French. So, one month after each English issue, we will have a French issue.

You are invited to share the journal with your networks so that we, together, can continue to build layers of knowledge for future generations.

I must thank all those who supported me in this endeavour: Associate Editors, Scientific Committee and Editorial Board members from all over the world! Many thanks to all of you! Long life OJIPA!

Shafick Osman, PhD

Founder & Editor

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